Call for Papers
Attached is the abstract sample that can be download.
Notification of acceptance of your abstract will be sent to you within 3 days after your submission. Deadline for submitting abstract is July 10, 2013 if you want to pay reduced registration fee on time. Late abstracts are accepted, too.
The instruction to submit abstract is as follows:
Download the abstract sample or copy it from our webpage. Use it as an example or as a template.
The abstract should be prepared with MS Word, within one page of A4 paper.
Submit your one-page abstract as attachment simultaneously to both the cochairs (Nigel Sannit and Maria Burguete -
Wait for notification of acceptance of your abstract, which will be sent to you within 3 days after your submission.
I. General Instruction
1. The Proceedings will be published by World Scientific, the famous international publisher based in Singapore. It will be a book in the new book series Science Matters (Editor of series: Lui Lam).
2. Manuscripts should be written in good English. (Ask a friend to help you to improve the English writing if needed, before submitting.)
3. All manuscripts will be refereed.
4. Use the Manuscript Sample (the other file sent to you by email) to type and format your manuscript. (We are very rigorous about format; manuscript not adhere to format will be returned for corrections. Pay particular attention to how references are quoted in text and at end.)
5. Each manuscript should be between 20 to 25 printed pages. Each printed page contains about 430 words. (If you need more than 25 pages, please discuss with cochairs as soon as possible—which could be possible if some other authors use less than 25 pages.)
6. You are responsible to obtain the approval of reproducing any material (diagrams, photos, etc.), in writing, from the copyright owner, if that person is not yourself or your coauthor of your manuscript. (A standard form for you to use for this purpose will be emailed to you soon.)
7. Please try your best to submit a first draft of your paper at the conference. At the conference, submit a hard copy to the cochairs, and before the conference, email a MS Word file to both cochairs (
8. After the conference, submit a revised manuscript (if you wish) by email to both cochairs. This version will be used for referring.
9. You should receive any referee report before Feb. 1, 2014. And March 1, 2014 will be the deadline to submit your final version to be included into the Proceedings.
10. Contact the cochairs for clarification if you need information about preparing your manuscript not yet included in II below.
II. The Writing of Your Paper
1. Please keep in mind that the readers of this book are very diversified in background, ranging from artists to scientists, and from philosophers to historians.
2. Consequently, have a long introduction in Sec. 1; avoid jargons (if you need to use them, explain in text or footnote); do not use empty words, don’t use rhetoric, give concrete examples to illustrate what you want to say in crucial cases.
3. It won’t make your arguments more forceful or correct by quoting authorities (not even Einstein, who was wrong in many occasions). Try to write and explain your basic “assumptions/theories/hypotheses” in your own words (with appropriate source references).
4. There are some words like “chaos” and “chaotic” which are used in our daily lives but have since been hijacked by the scientists and giving a precise technical meaning. To avoid confusion, please adhere to the scientific/technical definition of these words (with reference if needed). For the same reason, let us agree to use “theory” to mean a “proven hypothesis”, and “hypothesis” to mean well-guessed conjecture.
III. Preparing Manuscripts
1. Use MS Word only
2. Use Time Roman fonts only
3. For two authors, the names should be like Lui Lam and Second Author; for three or more authors, like Lui Lam, Second Author and Third Author.
4. The manuscript is camera-ready. That is, you should adhere to the format prescribed (even though a little bit of reformatting could be done by the editors). Ask your colleague for help if possible.
5. Note that the first line of every section or subsection is aligned to the left. The first line of second paragraph in each section (or subsection) is indented.
6. You may use images/pictures (in addition to diagrams and line drawings). Each one should fit within one page including its figure caption. The whole paper will be printed in black and white.
7. Make sure you own the copyright or have the approval of the copyright owner (in writing) for all figures and tables. There should be no infringement of copyright for all materials in your paper. (A form to get the necessary copyright approval will be emailed to you later.)
8. Text Area and Font Sizes
Text Area and Font Sizes: Trim size: 6 by 9 inch; Text area: 4.5 by 7 inch. More details will be emailed to you in the form of a template and a table.