15 - 17 October 2013
This conference is under the auspices of the International Science Matters Committee.
Find more about it here: 120429 ISMC.pdf (132,9 kB).
Here you can see the Program SCIMAT 2013.pdf (100370)
Scope and format of conference
3 days;
about 100 participants;
no parallel sessions, so you can learn everything;
invited talks of 45 mins each with 10 mins discussion;
contributed talks of 20-30 mins;
informal session of 20 mins talks on conjectures and works in progress;
contributed papers from all over the world!
The fee of the conference will be 200 euros and will include:
admission to the Conference;
coffee breaks during the three days presentations;
conference kit (printed programme, book of abstracts, other gifts);
special price at the hotel
Social Program Programme_SCIMAT_16OCT2013.pdf (495865)
Porto Cruz Experience
Here you can access the complete list of speakers: SCIMAT_Hall_2-1.pdf (4242156)
Conference booklet will soon be published. In the meantime, below you can consult the abstracts from all speakers: